Masking slats OXL-PVC

The OXL masking slats are used for aesthetic hiding gaps between the box of the ladder and the opening in the ceiling. Slats are available in the size 70x140cm. Matching to smaller sizes of loft ladders by cutting longitudinal elements of slats.
They are suitable for the following loft ladders: OLE Mini, OLE, OLE Thermo, OLE MAXI Thermo, OST-B.
Handrail OXH 50/13

Metal handrail makes climbing the ladder easier, increases comfort and safety of the loft ladder use.
It can be mounted on the right side of OLA basic, OLB basic and OLB easy or on the left side of OLE Mini loft ladder.
Stile ends OXS-B

OXS-B plastic stile ends are mounted on base of Optistep section loft ladders. OXS-B are finishing elements made of plastic in black and additionally they protect the floor from being scratched.