Industrial garage doors

Industrial garage doors

Industrial doors are used in rooms for various intended uses: custom garage spots; warehouses for storage of farming equipment and industrial facilities with high frequency of opening-production facilities, multi-spot garages, diagnostic stations, etc. Provide a high level of protection of these facilities as well as allow for intensive use. Garage doors are made of a galvanised steel, and the panels are filled with polyurethane foam, which forms a barrier with high thermal insulation properties. Can be operated both manually and via a high-quality automation with a voltage of 230V and 3 x 400V. In order to ensure proper comfort and energy savings, doors can be equipped with windows or glazed aluminium panels. Additionally, the so-called service door can be installed in the garage door to facilitate communication and to minimise cooling and heat loss when the door is designed in a passage way.

Maximum width of the industrial garage door P-4 THERMO PLUS is 8500mm and a maximum height is 7000mm. Total weight should not exceed 700kg.


P-4 Thermo PLUS doors are priced on an individual basis upon request of the customer.


Industrial garage doors